
Posts Tagged ‘Photoshoot’

Great news for those of you who have been following the creation of my latest Steampunk costume! I am scheduled for a photoshoot tomorrow morning in a park in CT to better document the costumes which were overwhelmed by New York Comic Con. I have made a few accessory changes to the ensemble, and am excited to finally get some decent pictures of this costume, and the costumes of the other ladies in my Cosplay group. I should have pictures for you shortly. Thank you again for following me!

I also hope that everyone had a lovely Halloween! If you didn’t, I hope you have a great party to go to this weekend. Because of Hurricane Sandy, Halloween didn’t feel like Halloween for me this year. Not much to do in terms of decorating because it would just get blown away, and I never did get a chance to go buy a pumpkin to carve.

I know that there are several million people out there still without power, and I hope that they are all warm, fed, and in good spirits. They probably did not have an awesome Halloween. These freak Halloween storms are quickly becoming an annual occurrence it seems, and I hope that after this tragedy people will wake up to the real effects of climate change! How many storms is it going to take? Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and it is a shame to see it ruined two years in a row now by freakishly strong storms. Strong storms are bad news anytime of year but those which occur during the holiday season are all the more devastating. This should be a season of celebration, not of mourning and recovery.

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So these really awesome Link and Zelda cosplayers who I met at Anime Boston, asked me to be in a photo shoot with this this weekend at Connecticon. The photographer is TheBigTog aka Keith, and he was absolutely  amazing to work with. He has a preview of the photoshoot up on his Flickr now. Photoshoot Preview

I cannot wait to see the rest of the pictures.

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